FAQ Health Monitor 2024 | GGD voor Professionals - Gelderland-Midden (2025)

Why have I received an invitation?

We have sent invitations to approximately 1.5 million residents of the Netherlands, aged 18 and over to take part in the GGD Health Monitor 2024. Every resident in the Netherlands is registered with their municipality. CBS has selected people at random from this register to take part in this monitor. If you have received an invitation, you are one of these people. The selected persons together represent the total group of residents aged 18 and over in the municipality. Your name and address details will be used to send the invitation and any reminders to complete the questionnaire. This data will be erased three months after completion of the monitor.

Do I need to give permission somewhere for you to process my data?

No. By completing the questionnaire (and sending it, if you fill it in on paper), you agree to participate in the GGD Health Monitor 2024. We will remind you of this when you start the questionnaire. Note that you do not have to answer a certain question if you do not want to, you may adjust your answers, and you may stop filling in the questionnaire at any time. Your answers will be processed confidentially, will be stored safely and will not be shared with any party that is not named in the privacy statement.

If you complete the questionnaire online but decide to stop filling it in, any answers that you have already provided will be saved. Should you decide that you do not want your answers to be used in the monitor, we can erase your answers. For this, you can contact Ipsos I&O at NLhelpdeskGM@ipsos.com or on 0800 0191 (7 days a week, 09.00 – 21.00). Once you have provided your login details, Ipsos I&O will make sure that your answers are erased.

Do I have to take part in the monitor?

No, participation in the monitor is entirely voluntary, although we would very much appreciate it if you do take part. Your participation is important, because the results of the monitor will be used by the municipality to better align its policies and activities with the needs and requirements of its residents.

How can I take part?

You can fill in the questionnaire online or on paper, although online is quicker as you automatically skip the questions that do not apply to you. Moreover, the online questionnaire is available in English, the paper questionnaire is not. The invitation letter contains your personal login code; fill this in at www.startvragenlijst.nl/ggd to start the questionnaire.

Do you prefer to fill in the questionnaire on paper? Then wait to participate until you receive a paper questionnaire from us. Once you fill in the paper questionnaire, you can return it in the enclosed return envelope without a stamp.

How long does it take to fill in the questionnaire?

Some people are quicker than others, but it should take about 30 to 40 minutes.

I’m doing fine, so do I still need to fill in the questionnaire?

Yes please! The aim of this monitor is to get a good idea of how everyone aged 18 and over in the municipality is doing, not just people who are not doing so well. If only these people fill in the questionnaire, it will look like there are a lot of problems in a municipality, even though this may not be the case for everyone.

Why have I received a reminder?

We send a reminder to make sure that as many people as possible complete the questionnaire. We use the login code or the code on the back of the paper questionnaire to work out who has not yet filled in the questionnaire. These people receive a reminder. You will therefore also receive a reminder if you have started to fill in the questionnaire but have not yet completed it. Note that all address data will be erased three months after completion of the monitor.

I have received a reminder but I have already filled in the questionnaire, why is that?

We probably received or processed your questionnaire after the reminders had already been sent. You do not need to contact Ipsos I&O or the GGD about this, and you can throw the reminder away. You may also have received a reminder if you have started to fill in the questionnaire but have not yet completed it. In this case, please carry on filling in the questionnaire and complete it. If you leave the questionnaire then log in again, you can continue where you left off.

I can’t log in, what should I do?

Perhaps the Caps Lock is turned on or you have used capital letters in the login code when you should use small letters. You should type the address www.startvragenlijst.nl/ggd directly into the search window of your internet browser and not into a search engine (such as Google). If you are unable to log in, please contact Ipsos I&O at NLhelpdeskGM@ipsos.com or on 0800 0191 (7 days a week, 09.00 – 21.00).

I have lost my login code; can I get a new one?

We cannot send a new login code, but you can wait for the reminder letter, which you will receive about three weeks after the invitation. This reminder contains the login code.

My computer has stopped working, what now?

Do not worry if you are unable to carry on filling in the questionnaire because of a problem with your computer or because the page has timed out. You can simply log in again after ten minutes and carry on where you were (the system needs this time to recognise that you are no longer filling in the questionnaire). The answers that you have filled in so far will be saved automatically, so you don’t have to start the questionnaire again.

I stopped halfway, what now?

You can stop filling in the questionnaire at any time. You can then simply log in again and carry on where you were. The answers that you have filled in so far will be saved automatically, so you don’t have to start the questionnaire again.

I have lost the return envelope, what now?
You can send back the questionnaire in a normal envelope without a postage stamp. The address is: Ipsos I&O, Antwoordnummer 1104, 7500 VB Enschede.

Is it possible to withdraw from the study after I have completed the questionnaire?

By completing the questionnaire, you agree to participate in the GGD Health Monitor 2024. Note that you do not have to answer a certain question if you do not want to, you may adjust your answers, and you may stop filling in the questionnaire at any time. If you want to stop halfway through and do not want the answers you have entered so far to be saved, you will have to go back through the questionnaire to delete your answers. An explanation of how to do this can be found at the start of the questionnaire. You can also contact Ipsos I&O to have your data deleted. This is possible until 8 December 2024. To do so, you can contact Ipsos I&O at NLhelpdeskGM@ipsos.com or on 0800 0191 (7 days a week, 09.00 – 21.00). Once you have provided your login details, Ipsos I&O will ensure that your answers are erased.

Can someone else complete the questionnaire for me?

No, it is important that the questionnaire is filled in by the person to whom the invitation was sent. Please therefore check that it is your name on the invitation letter. If this is not the case, please give the questionnaire to the person it is addressed to. People are selected to take part in the monitor at random, and the selected persons together provide an average representation of people in the whole of the municipality. Are you unable to complete the questionnaire on your own? If so, you can ask a family member or someone else to help, but you must fill in your answers. You can also contact Ipsos I&O at NLhelpdeskGM@ipsos.com or on 0800 0191 (7 days a week, 09.00 – 21.00) if you need help filling in the questionnaire.

Can I get help filling out the questionnaire?

Yes, a helpdesk employee can assist you with filling out the questionnaire. You can get assistance in various languages. You can call the helpdesk (Ipsos I&O) free of charge on 0800 0191 (7 days a week, 09.00 – 21.00).

Would you like to register for the GGD Health Panel?

If you would like to participate in the GGD Health Panel, you can send an email to panel@vggm.nl. Participating in the GGD Health Panel is without obligation. As a member of the Health Panel, you will receive short questionnaires on topics in the field of health several times a year. The questionnaires of the Health Panel are in Dutch.

FAQ Health Monitor 2024 | GGD voor Professionals - Gelderland-Midden (2025)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.